Hills Shire Times: Robots take Rui from Home School to US
Hills Shire Times, January 27th, 2015 (Pg 18)
Hills Shire Times, January 27th, 2015 (Pg 18)
WIN news report on the team’s visit to IRT!
Project Bucephalus and other Australian teams competing at the 2014 Australian National Championships (FLL and FTC). Broadcast on December 6th 2014.
Project Bucephalus and other Wollongong/Shoalhaven teams on WIN News December 1st 2014
JOINT MEDIA RELEASE The robots may be made of plastic, and their designers aren’t yet old enough to drive – yet both creator and creation are set to take to the world stage, as two Illawarra teams represent their country against the best in the world in the […]