Last Updated: 23/03/2020 @ 10:23 pm
Hi Everyone…
I’m hoping all our supporters are well and keeping informed about the Coronavirus situation. As you can imagine, the Project Bucephalus team has been monitoring the situation quite closely, and has already had a few after-school classes closed down at the request of the host schools and libraries. For those of our students missing their weekly STEM video, we recommend the new Kurzgesagt release that does a great job of explaining what’s currently happening in the world (and why).
There are a few important questions that we wanted to answer for you all:
Are Robo Clubs continuing? Project Bucephalus will continue to run the after-school Robo Clubs as long as each host school approves and we are able to comply with the guidelines published by NSW Health and the Department of Education. With the new restrictions announced on the 23rd March, it seems likely that each class will be cancelled for the remainder of Term 1 (and probably longer). If a class does continue, each family is welcome to make their own decisions about continuing in classes or not.
What’s happening in the School Holidays? The normal School Holiday Robo Camps have been cancelled at the request of TAFE and the University of Wollongong. However, we recognise that a number of families rely on us for school-holiday care. We do have the capacity to run a modified (smaller) program that adheres to the current NSW Health guidelines. Contact Us if you are interested.
How are you coping? As well as can be expected. The Project Bucephalus FRC Team was particularly affected, with the postponement of the Australian Regional competitions announced a week before they were due to run – which was then followed up by FIRST Global suspending the entire season! We’re not as badly off as many interstate and international teams, many of whom have lost money to unused airfares and accommodation.
Can we help? When life returns to normal, we’re going to need as many students as possible to return to the various robotics programs. This will give the Project Bucephalus the best chance to recover.
Thanks for all your messages of support and we hope you and your families stay healthy and safe. We’ll put out new updates when we can.
Feel free to call or email if you need more information.
Andrew Clark
Lead Mentor
Project Bucephalus